If you like lazy, slow, paddling through winding channels surrounded by wetland wildflowers, you would have loved our kayak trip today.
There were still a few blooms of Spadderdock.
Marsh Hibiscus (or Rose Mallow) in the foreground. |
Joe-pye Weed |
Fawn (isn't that a great name for a naturalist?), from the Anita Leight Estuary Center, is explaining how beneficial beavers are and how their habits helped shape these beautiful channels. |
Monarch Butterfly on Swamp Milkweed |
Green-headed Coneflower |
In Ha-Ha Cove - Ring-billed and Laughing Gulls, Forster's Terns, and a juvenile Little Blue Heron. |
Green-headed Coneflower on each side.
Heading home. We also spotted Ironweed, Pickerel Weed, Wild Rice, Jewelweed, Cardinal Flower, and Goldenrod.
Bird List:
Canada Goose 12 Wood Duck 1 Great Blue Heron 3 Little Blue Heron 1 Osprey 3 Laughing Gull 1 Ring-billed Gull 8 Forster's Tern 3 Mourning Dove 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 Belted Kingfisher 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Eastern Phoebe 1 Eastern Kingbird 2 Blue Jay 1 Tree Swallow 15 Barn Swallow 2 Carolina Wren 2 American Robin 1 Gray Catbird 2 European Starling 1 Common Yellowthroat 3 Northern Cardinal 2
Indigo Bunting 3 Red-winged Blackbird 15 Common Grackle 2 Brown-headed Cowbird 1 American Goldfinch 3
Thank you to the Anita Leight Estuary Center for helping with this event - and to Fawn for her expertise and knowledge.
We hope to see you next year on this trip!