Located along Marriottsville Rd., the McKeldin area is where the Main Branch and South Branch of the Patapsco meet, and is a designated IBA (Important Bird Area) according to Maryland/DC Audubon. Bryan MacKay led us along wooded trails and it wasn't long before we had a long, close look at a Yellow-throated Vireo.
We soon added Wood Thrush, Eastern Bluebird, Black and White Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Ovenbird, Scarlet Tanager, Batimore Oriole, Wood Duck, and Chipping Sparrow. A Norther Parula and Cerulean Warbler were heard but not seen.
Some plants noted were Long-leaved Bluets, Virginia Rye, Witch Hazel, Hawkweed, Mugwort, and Lyre-leaved Sage.